Sunday, May 18, 2008

My new goal

Ok, so this is me. AFTER I have gained back all of the weight that I lost in Cali and then some! So... I was thinking, and I know that I need to start loosing weight again, but everytime I think about it I just get lazy and put it off for another week. But now, after seeing what I look like lately, I have decided to get my butt into gear. And I have also decided to update my blog daily with the info on how I am doing with my weight loss goal so keep you all updated on my progress. And it would be really awesome if all of you would do it with me. I am totally serious about this, and it would be great if we could all do it together. So, my goal for this week is to work out every other day and to eat breakfast every day. I usually skip that meal, which leads to me pigging out by lunch time. Ok, I'll update as I go along. Who's with me?

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