Monday, May 19, 2008

Day one of the diet....

ok, so day one... not so bad. I woke up and ate breakfast just like I said I would, even though all I had time to grab was a granola bar... No matter what I do, or how early I get up, I am always, ALWAYS running late in the morning. Thus, the reason for the pathetic breakfast. sheesh... Anyways, lunch wasn't so good because Sarah Coy came and visited me at work. And you know that when someone comes and visits you at work you HAVE to go out to lunch. Its in the "friend/family member" rule book. Seriously, look it up! =) So, lunch kinda blew my diet plans, but I vowed to do better at dinner. And I did. I ate some refried beans inside a tortilla with a liiiiiitle bit of cheese. Not even enough cheese in there to taste it, but I KNEW it was there and that was all the comfort I needed. So, then for my exercise I decided to try something new, and I exercised while I was watching TV. Every time a commericial came on I got up and exercised until my show came back on. I did crunches, squats, girly push-ups, and even running in place. And WOW did I get a work out. I'm sure I looked like a nut, but it was actually a very good work out! I got in about 125 crunches, 30 push ups, 20 squats, and about 10 minutes of running in place. It really was not a bad deal. So, anyways, That was my day. not too shabby. Sure beats Taco Bell and a night with the remote. =)

1 comment:

Zach, Keri, Saylor and Casha said...

Good work Jolene, keep it up :)